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Covid-19 Coronavirus Statement

Considering the latest advice from the government concerning Covid-19 Coronavirus and whilst our business is not one that has been directly identified as a business which needs to close, we have taken the decision to temporarily suspend home and site visits.

We have taken this decision to protect our customers and our colleagues and to play our part in preventing the spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus.

Other than our decision to suspend face to face meeting, our business is operating as near to normal as is possible and we are still answering the phones and email.

Over the coming days and weeks, we will post information on Facebook covering conservatory blinds, blinds for your home, shutters, child safety, saving energy and much more. Hopefully the information we publish will be of interest to you and will enable you to make informed decisions.
Click to see our Facebook page

Whilst not being able to meet causes some problems, it does not mean you can’t still get a quote.
You can give us a call (or we can call you if you complete one of the contact forms on our website) with your sizes, you can email us your sizes or if you have access to skype or video calling, such as facetime, then we can carry out a face to face consultation remotely and we can discuss options, fabrics and answer any questions you may have.

Once we return to a situation where face to face meetings are possible, we will then arrange an appointment to confirm the cost and discuss any further points you want to cover.

These are unprecedented times and none of us know when we will be able to return to some normality but return to normality we will.
In the meantime, we hope you remain healthy and safe.

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