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The Marla Custom Blinds Price Promise

Our Price Promise means that comparing our price with that of a competitor, on a like for like basis we will not be beaten on price.

We use top quality components and fabrics in the manufacture of our blinds and this together with our in-house quality control system throughout the manufacturing process means that we believe we offer unrivaled value for money.

Price Promise

We will always offer you our most competitive price for the blinds you have selected and the specification you have requested but sometimes we are told that a lower price quotation has been received from an alternative company.

The reasons why a competitor quote may be cheaper are usually because the alternative quotation is offering one of the following

Blinds of a lower quality
Blinds with a lower specification (cheaper fabrics)
Shorter Guarantee periods

Unlike many of our local competitors we manufacture your blinds in our own factory and whilst we will never compromise on the quality of our blinds, by manufacturing your blinds we are able to adjust the specification to match that of alternative suppliers and then when comparing our blinds on a like for like basis we will always match the alternatives and very possibly be lower.

So, if you receive a lower quotation please let us know and if we establish that we are comparing on a like for like basis then we will not just match it but we will do our best to beat it.

Product quality is as important as our service and we want to assure you that your conservatory blinds will give you years of trouble free service and so all our conservatory blinds have a No Quibble 5 Year Guarantee and our roof blinds have a Lifetime Guarantee if you take advantage of our annual Valet Service.

Established since 1995, we manufacture and install all types of home, conservatory and commercial blinds for customers along the South Coast from Brighton in West Sussex to Weymouth in Dorset and all areas around and in between including Hampshire, Surrey, Wiltshire and Somerset.

5 Year Guarantee

All our domestic and conservatory blinds have a 5 Year Guarantee no quibble guarantee as standard

Lifetime Guarantee

Our conservatory roof blinds have a Lifetime Guarantee if you take advantage of our valet service.

marla custom blinds - customer charter

You will receive a free no obligation quote plus our Five Point “Customer First” Charter ensures that we do not pressure you.

Excellent service and quality from start to finish, great value as well.
Customer in Southampton
Competitive price, fitter very professional and courteous, very satisfied with job.
Customer in Gosport
Excellent service from start to finish, communication first class, definately recommend.
Customer in Fareham

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Checkatrade - Marla Conservatory Blinds

Over 450 testimonials on Checkatrade
with an average score of 9.85 out of 10

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Request a free appointment today

Call 0800 975 7373

Call now to discuss your requirements or arrange a free in-home appointment at a time that is convenient to you.

Free in-home appointment.

View our full range of made to measure blinds, fabrics and styles and discuss the options available to you, all from the comfort of your own home.

With inspiring ideas and practical solutions, together we can create the perfect look for you. During the visit, our experts can measure your windows to ensure a perfect fit and also supply a free accurate no obligation quote.

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